1. js & jquery
jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse;
object exists:
jQuery.fn.exists = function(){ return this.length>0; }
string format:
if (!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format = function() { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'? args[number]: match; }); }; }
plugins > fileDownlad.js
2. django
current directory
import os APP_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)
dynamic file upload path
class THistory(models.Model): shop = models.ForeignKey('MShop') section = models.ForeignKey('MSection') revision = models.IntegerField() def get_upload_to(self,filename): ext = filename.split('.')[-1] filename = u'%s.%s' % (get_datetime_string(),ext) return os.path.join(self.default_upload_to,filename) filepath = models.FileField(upload_to=get_upload_to) user = models.ForeignKey('MUser',null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL) upload_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True,auto_now_add=True) default_upload_to = 'excelfile'
custom django user (method 1):
class MUser(User): objects = UserManager() display_name = models.CharField(max_length = 24, default='') permission_choices = ( ('1','admin'), ('2','normal'), ) permission= models.CharField(max_length= 5,choices=permission_choices) shop = models.ForeignKey('MShop',blank=True,null=True) def __unicode__(self): return self.usernam
make download response
def generate_download_response(file_path,file_name): response = HttpResponse(readFile(file_path)) response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(file_path) response['Content-type'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel' response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % file_name.encode('cp932') response.set_cookie('fileDownload','true',path='/') return respons def readFile(fn, buf_size=262144): f = open(fn, "rb") while True: c = f.read(buf_size) if c: yield c else: break f.close()
custom 404,500 view
A).config in settings.py ->debug = False
B).config in urls.py -> handler404 = ‘webapp.views.handle_404_view’ handler500 = ‘webapp.views.handler_500_view
C).config in views.py ->
def handle_500_view(request): t = loader.get_template('500.html') type,value,tb = sys.exc_info() return HttpResponseServerError(t.render(RequestContext(request,{'excption_value':value}))) def handle_404_view(request): return render(request,'404.html',status=404
start project
django-admin startproject projectname
start application
django-admin startapp appname
python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py inspectdb > filename.py
run standalone
python manage.py runserver
run shell
python manage.py shell
multipy database
python manage.py syncdb --database=databasename
static file serve
config in settings.py
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(APP_ROOT,'..\\donki-static') MEDIA_URL = '/excel/
config in urls.py
url(r'^excel/(?P<path>.*)$', django.views.static.serve', {'document_root':MEDIA_ROOT})
apache host
sample virtualhost:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName donki.localhost WSGIScriptAlias / c:\sourcecode\donki\donki\wsgi.py <Directory c:\sourcecode\donki\donki> <Files wsgi.py> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Files> </Directory> Alias /static/ "c:/sourcecode/donki/webapp/static/" <Directory "c:/sourcecode/donki/webapp/static/"> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> ErrorLog "c:\sourcecode\donki\logs\error.log" CustomLog "c:\sourcecode\donki\logs\access.log" common </VirtualHost>
httpd -t check #script syntax httpd -k restart #restart appache with information
3. python
* libs
* MySQL-python
* cx_Oracle
* pywin32
* 3.x &2.x
4. office vba
convert column to number
def conver_column_to_number(col_name): return reduce(lambda s,a:s*26+ord(a)-ord('A')+1,col_name,0)
quick deal with cells
range = sheet.Range('start : end') details see in win32.py